
Breakdown 7-6-23


{{ Saturday, June 24
Gretna, LA }}

Amy has the house to herself for the moment. Wyatt is at the gym working with a few weekend clients. Loki is over at Bonnie's house to visit Carly. There are places Amy could go if she wanted company. People she could see. She briefly thought about contacting her now-only other lover... many people would be shocked to find out that man was Travis Vessey, of GCW fame and BlackOut Academy's newest trainer. Jason had once made a joke years ago about sleeping with Amy being a prerequisite for getting a job at BOA, and although that was never the intention (because hi, Kara and Shane were trainers, and NO), the comment seemed to hold up. Amy had had an on-off thing going with Travis for a few years, she doesn't remember how it started. She was probably still drinking at the time, and just kept it up because he's fun. But, she put the idea of going to see him today out of her mind. Breakdown was two days ago, and someone had attacked her from behind, giving her knee a good working over. It was still sore, even though her doctor said nothing was wrong, just bruising. A sore knee is no good for the kind of activities she knew Travis would expect, so it was better to stay home.


With her favorite glass.

Amy sits in her office, door closed and locked as usual. Her favorite glass is her favorite because it's made of thick glass, so it's heavy and hard to knock over. It also holds 24 ounces, so she typically only needs to fill it once to get the effect she wants. Amy holds the glass, now filled with her mix of OJ and amaretto, remembering her promise to herself. Years ago, she vowed that even if she had something every now and then, she would never let herself get as deep into it as she used to be. When she lied to everyone, barely slept, and became a danger to not only herself, but others. Family, friends, coworkers. No, she could never go that far down again.

But this one glass? Every few days? This was something Amy could handle. She has a sip, and starts to fold her leg under her as she sits on the couch, but then winces in pain. Fucking knee. Fucking... whoever it was that attacked her. Fucking Simon. Amy shakes her head at the thought of the man's name. He'd run up to the scene of the attack, acting every bit the angry friend and partner. All Amy wanted was for him to go away, but people were around – medics, Gavin, and a camera. Amy glares into the glass as she thinks back to the confrontation she had with Simon at Taking Hold of the Flame, and the decision she made that she wonders every day if it was the right one...

* * * * * {{ Sunday, June 4 – backstage }} * * * * *

Amy arrives early enough before bell time to check in and get to her locker room, before Simon can catch up to her. After the events of a few days ago, Amy changed her travel plans. They were supposed to fly together, but Amy canceled her ticket and asked Bree if she could fly with her. Bree agreed, and didn't ask why. She never did, she enjoyed having Amy with her and often nudges Amy about just traveling with her all the time instead of wasting money. It wasn't a waste to Amy before, when she flew with Simon. But now... she may take Bree up on that finally. In her locker room, Amy starts to change into her gear, preparing for the battle royal later tonight. She wants to be ready early so she isn't in a hurry, as she doesn't know yet what her entry number is. But those are being given out soon, so after getting dressed, Amy leaves her locker room and heads toward an area set up near catering, where an official is in charge of handing out the entry numbers.

Before she gets there though, Amy feels a tap on her shoulder. She knows before turning around who it is. She can smell his cologne. Amy closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before turning around.

“What do you want, Simon?”

“A few things, actually. To talk to my tag partner. To wish her luck tonight. Oh and... to ask why you've been ignoring me?”

Amy glares, then looks around to make sure no one is around. It's clear. “Are you fucking kidding me? You know goddamn well why!”

“Are you still upset over the other day? I thought we talked about that.”

Amy stares incredulously. “Simon. You lied to me. You manipulated me. You lied to my best friend. And you raised your hand to me!” Amy looks around again, making sure they were still alone in the area. She sees no one. Simon sighs.

“Okay, look. That I am sorry for. I was just upset in the moment, I would never actually hurt you, you know that right?”

“What I know is that right now you sound like every abusive fuck I've ever met.”

“You know me better than that, Amy.”

“No, I just thought I did.” She crosses her arms and steps back.

“That's not fair.”

“Fair? Fair?! Do not get me started. You are goddamn lucky that I'm not in Olek's office right now telling him to forget you and I for the tag titles.”

Simon's jaw goes slack. “Why would you-”

“I'm not. The only reason I'm not, is because I don't want to have to explain why. Not to Olek and definitely not to the fans.” Amy steps closer again, but keeps her arms crossed. “But let me make myself very clear. Back here? On screen? Business as usual. Away from all of that? Don't talk to me.”

“That will be very difficult at the academy.”

“That's part of work. You know what I mean.”

Simon sigh. “Alright, fine. But you'll change your mind.”

“Don't hold your breath.”

Amy turns and walks away.

* * * * * {{ Amy's Office }} * * * * *

Shaking her head at the memory, Amy assures herself that it was the right move. If she had asked SCW to separate she and Simon, after they had declared they were chasing the Tag Team Championships, there would be too many questions asked, questions she did not want to answer. She learned her lesson about letting the world know the details of her personal life when she was forced to expose she and Jason's relationship. Ugh. Amy takes a large drink. She didn't like it when thoughts of him crept into her head. Instead, Amy turned her thoughts to a few days after The Flame, when she was at BOA and after Travis had started working as a trainer. Simon hadn't been the only person Amy had kept her distance from. She had also done her best to avoid Nadine, too. Especially since the day at Simon's when Nadine heard their argument, and found out exactly what had happened. But, Nadine was at BOA once a week for promo class, on Wednesdays. And Amy couldn't avoid her forever....

* * * * * {{ Wednesday, June 7 – BlackOut Academy }} * * * * *

Amy exits her office after setting her bag and coffee cup down (actually filled with coffee, she wouldn't bring alcohol to work). She heads to the ring where students are waiting, along with Simon, Jeff, and Travis. Amy had been concerned at first if there would be any heat between the two from GCW, but they both assured her there was none. Good, one less thing to worry about. Before Amy gets to the ring though, movement from the back of the room catches her eye. Nadine, coming out of the room where she holds her class. Shit.

“Amy... before you get started, can we speak for a minute or two?”

“Sure.” Amy plasters on a fake grin, folding her arms.

“I meant in private.” Nadine gestures towards the promo room.

“Oh.... yeah, of course.” She feels like her face is as red as she used to dye her hair. Nadine turns and walks towards the room, not looking to see if Amy is following, but Amy follows. Once in the room, Amy shuts the door, and turns to face her best friend slowly. Was Nadine still her best fried?

“I know why you've been avoiding me. And I get it. But we can't act like nothing happened.”

“You're right, we can't. I just didn't know what to say to you. I... am so sorry-”

Nadine puts her hand up. “Stop. Don't. I'm not going to let you blame yourself for Simon's lies. I don't blame you. You had no way of knowing.”

Amy blinks. “You... you don't? You're not mad?”

“Of course I am! But not at you. It was perfectly clear last week that you had no idea what he'd done until dinner at your house. That's why you came over angry. I heard most of it.”

“Nay... you have to know I would have never gone ahead with it if I thought for a half a second that you-”

“I know.” Nadine smiles. “I've known you longer than anyone else currently in my life, other than my mom. We've gone through so much together, shared so much... we're practically family. I know in my heart you'd never betray me like that.”

Amy exhales, lowering her head. “While I'm glad you feel that way...” She raises her head. “I thought the same thing about Simon. I just don't understand how... why....”

“Oh, that's easy. He's in love with you.”

“That's ridiculous. I mean, we've said we love each other as friends, but-”

“Amy. Come on. I know you know better than that. He told me about a few years ago, remember?”

“Right....” The first time Amy and Simon had briefly had something. The way things had happened then – quickly, every rule broken – had come very close to costing Amy her marriage. She shakes her head at herself. “I should have known this was only going to lead trouble.”

“But you couldn't. You're not that psychic.” Nadine grins. Amy often has a knack for just 'knowing' things.

“I guess not. I am sorry, though.” Nadine starts to protest. “No, I had to say it at least once.”

“Okay. Accepted.” Nadine grins again.

“Thank you. So... how are things between you? Are you...?”

“Split up? No. Not yet anyway.... I just don't know, Amy. I made him sleep on the couch a few nights, he's moved into the guest room now. I didn't know what to tell Kayla, so I made up something about loud snoring.” Amy holds back a laugh. “I hate the lying, the fact he manipulated you. But... he's not himself. I'm worried something is wrong.”

“Obviously.” Amy glares.

“No... I mean, like.... mentally. Medically, or something. He's never lied to anyone since I've met him. And the way he snapped at you that morning? That scared me, and it wasn't directed at me.”

“You think it has something to do with the stroke? That was years ago.”

“Do you know how little medical science actually knows about how the brain works?”

“Yeah, I know. But... maybe you just don't want to believe he's actually like this and you're looking for an excuse.”

“Maybe I am. But I'm not sure I want to give up yet. I can't.”

Amy nods, “I understand. I just need you to understand that I can't be around him outside of work.”

“I get that. Just don't let it affect me and you, okay? You're still my best friend.”

Amy just smiles. The friends hug, and Amy wonders to herself if she would be as gracious if their roles were reversed.

* * * * * {{ Amy's office }} * * * * *

Amy still didn't understand how Nadine did it. Just... absolved her of all wrongdoing, even though she had so easily believed Simon's story about not bringing it up around Nadine because she didn't want to hear it. Looking it's so obvious what Simon did, but at the time Amy had been so eager to be with him again that she likely would have believed anything. She even buried the protest that rose in her throat when Wyatt asked her about him and Bonnie. Amy's other best friend. They were still seeing each other. They seemed happy. Amy hated herself for hating it, but she agreed. Because of Simon. And now he betrayed her trust and she has nothing to show for not getting in the way of Wyatt and Bonnie. Maybe she was being selfish. Wouldn't be the first time. She looks down into the half-empty glass, swirling the icy contents. Raising the glass with the intention of downing the rest at once, a small noise at the door registers in her head. Thinking it's just her dog Star pawing to get inside, Amy ignores it and finishes the drink.

Done, Amy sets the glass down on the side table, then decides to let Star in. She turns towards the door intending to get up... but it's already open. And Wyatt is standing in the doorway. Fuck! That door was supposed to be locked!

“Oh... hey. I thought you were Star.”

“She's outside. What are you doing in here?” Amy sees his eyes flick to the empty glass. Had he seen her drain the glass? Could he tell what was in it? Does the room smell like her drink?

“Just relaxing. Trying to stay off my leg like the doctor said.”

Wyatt leans against the door frame – the very same one he rebuilt himself years ago, after he broke it by kicking the door in the day Amy accidentally OD'd. He gestures towards the glass on the table.
“What was that?”


“Tea is orange?”

“Mandarin Orange Spice tea is.” Amy wonders if she even has any of that in the cabinet. Would Wyatt be suspicious enough to go check? He sighs.

“I thought we agreed a long time ago that you wouldn't lie to me about this again.” Amy just hangs her head. She knew that wouldn't work. “That's what I thought. What's going on?”

“What isn't going on? I can't trust anyone. Not people who supposedly love me, not people I thought were my friends, and apparently not one person in the locker room since I got jumped. I can't even trust myself to do my fucking job!” Amy was clearly affectrd by the drink; she'd gone from lying to spilling everything in less than a minute.

Wyatt remains leaning against the door frame. The fact he hasn't come inside to sit by her and offer comfort tells Amy exactly how angry he is, even if his face doesn't show it. Much.
“Annie wasn't your fault.” Amy scoffs. “I hope I'm not on that DTA list.”

Amy snaps her head up. “Of course not! You know there's no one I trust more than you.”

“Maybe you should act like it, instead of lying to me.” Wyatt turns to leave.

“Wait, stop! Wyatt!” He turns, but doesn't step back into the room. “I'm sorry. I just... I have to lie. Every day. At work, at the academy. I have to work like nothing is wrong, like nothing changed. With someone I can't trust. I just...” She rubs her face. “I cracked a little. But I'll be okay.”

“I hope so. Because I am not doing this again. You understand what I mean?”

“Yeah.” Amy nods, avoiding eye contact. “Yeah, I know.” He would leave. And she wouldn't blame him. “That's not gonna happen.”

“Can you at least look me in the eye while you say that?”

Amy looks up, forcing herself to do it. “It's not going to happen.”

Seconds pass, keeping eye contact. “Okay.” Amy lowers her head again. “I have to go, I came home to get a change of clothes. I have a client in an hour.” Amy nods again. “Can I trust you here alone?”

“Yes. I only intended the one anyway.”

Amy looks up and Wyatt nods, then turns and leaves. She can tell he's still angry. What she didn't know though... was the pit stop Wyatt intended on making on the way back to the gym....


Amy Chastaine sits comfortably in her favorite spot to film promos – the couch under the bay window in her home office. Legs crossed and hands in her lap, Amy seems relaxed as she begins.

I have to admit, that I'm not quite sure how to approach this. Gavin Taylor... I don't have anything against him. I know he was... not exactly a fan favorite for a while. But he took a long vacation and came back with a different outlook. I can take that at face value and give him the benefit of the doubt.

I mean, there I was laying on the floor after gods-only-know who jumped me and bruised my knee up, and Gavin was just on his way to his locker room, not trying to cause trouble. Even asked if I was okay. In the past he'd have either laughed, or just walked away.

Gavin. I feel like I should apologize to you on behalf of Simon, for the way he acted that night. I know you and him have this Rise to Greatness thing happening, and he challenged you... but I have no idea why he reacted that way just because you walked up. For what it's worth... I don't believe you had anything to do with attacking me. You have no reason to do that. And you were coming from the opposite direction. But Simon... I can't say I know what's going through his head these days. He's so focused on being successful and I think its stressing him out.

Amy pauses, shakes her head, then grins.

But this isn't about Simon. It's about Amy Chastaine versus Gavin Taylor. A match that just a few months ago no one would have ever expected would, or could happen. I was retired, and Gavin was away. No one knew if he was even going to come back at all. But there he was, a surprise entrant into the Flame. Not only did he shock the world by his return, he also shocked the world by almost winning the whole thing. Gavin, between you and me and my viewers... I wish you'd have won instead of Kandis. I think she's even more insufferable than you would have been at your worst. But... that's not what happened. Kandis will face Selena at the biggest spectacle in wrestling. You're facing Simon... and me? Well... I have no idea.

Whoever it was that attacked me, I hope they reveal themselves soon. I'd love to stand toe to toe, face to face, where they're not coming at me from behind, and ask them... why?

What did I do to you? Do I threaten your place in SCW? Do you want me to go back into retirement?

Well, whatever it is... I don't care. I'm here to prove to the world and myself that I still have about a half-tank left in me and one more good run. If you're brave enough... reveal yourself to me and I'll start proving that at Rise to Greatness in the ring with you.

Another pause.

Sorry, Gavin, I didn't intend on that tangent, but I suppose it had to be said. As for you and I... this is a pretty important match for me. It's my first singles match since I returned. I was supposed to face Colleen last week but she didn't show up. I don't know what's going on there with her and Polly, but I'm not going to hold a grudge. Polly isn't everyone's favorite person but I hope she's okay. What Colleen's absence did though was one... give me one more week for my knee to recover from being Kerrigan'd. And two... got me this match. Against the man who came this close to headlining Rise to Greatness.

Gavin, let's you and I step into the ring, and when the bell rings? Forget all the chaos surrounding us both. Let's shake hands and steal the show. You can show everyone exactly how you went so far in the Flame. And I can start showing the world how much more I can still do. May the better fighter win.

Amy ends with a smile before the video cuts.