
Lancaster-Teller Christmas


A lot has happened since I made my last SCW appearance and told the world about my little nugget. I know the world was shocked but no one was as shocked as I was. I didn't understand how it even happened. I mean... I know how babies happen. But after I was attacked, nothing went on in my bedroom for two months. It took most of that time just for me to be comfortable with Dom in the same bed with me, much less anything else. But by the time our wedding night came... I was ready. Well... I wasn't one hundred percent sure I could follow through until it happened, but I had to try. It was my wedding night! Everything went absolutely perfectly. We spent the week in Santa Monica, I worked Rise to Greatness... then we went on our honeymoon. During all of that, I also immediately started taking my birth control pills again. I hadn't when I didn't need to, see. Just the idea of preparing for something I wasn't in the right mindset to do had given me anxiety. But, I filled the prescription right before Rise, and thought I was set while we went to Paris and Iceland.

Apparently, those things are only fully effective after the first month of taking them, not right away. And that's how I ended up with Nugget.

Some people might have been upset or even horrified at an unexpected pregnancy – Jaina was. But I immediately saw it as a blessing. After everything I've gone through this year, I now have this gift. It doesn't make the occasional nightmares go away, or stop me from recoiling from strange men if they get too close. I even insisted on a female OBGYN, cause no man other than my husband is going anywhere near my vagina. Dr. Morantine understands my situation and assured me she will have only female nurses and assistants when it's time for Nugget to enter the world. I can't thank her enough for her willingness to make me as comfortable as possible. Anyway point was... this baby is a gift, and while I know he can't change what happened to me, or make the memories and PTSD go away, he can remind me that amazing things happen in life too, and that it's the wonderful things we should focus on, not the tragedies.

All of that said, I do miss being on the road, seeing everyone (well, most everyone), and of course getting in the ring. But it's not so bad. The morning sickness wasn't fun, but Amy told me I had it milder than she did with Loki. I can't imagine having it any worse than I did. Once that subsided though, I felt great! I still do. I help Amy at BlackOut as much as I can. I was getting in the ring and doing light physical work with the students at first, but my belly gets in the way now, so all I'm doing is helping with form for submission holds, and coaching from the apron. It gets me out and doing something, so I don't go nuts staying home. Dom has been back and forth between home and Los Angeles, getting ready for Deep Cover 2 to release. They were supposed to give it a different title but apparently decided to stick with that. Lame, right? Dom didn't like it, he said Kennedy doesn't either. But they just act, those kinds of decisions aren't in their job description.

It's Christmas season though, so all promotion has been halted, since the movie isn't coming out til spring anyway. This means Dom has been home since Thanksgiving, and we have been turning one of the guest rooms into a nursery. The one next door to our bedroom, that Sienna had stayed in when she was here. Once we found out Nugget is a boy, we were really able to start making it look proper. Dom painted the walls a pale blue. I picked out the crib and changing table and a very comfy rocking chair. We couldn't decide on a theme so we got a few different bedding sets. No reason to stick to one thing, like... zoo animals, if he might grow up to hate it, right? While we worked on getting Nugget's room ready, we also discussed a few things. We decided to hire an au pair for when I go back on the road. They're more commonly called nannies, but that makes it sound exclusively female, and I'm not opposed to a male caretaker as long as the qualifications are there. We made plans for changes to my plane, to make sure it's safe for him. And the most important thing we discussed about Nugget? His name. Don't worry, my baby boy will have a real, normal name. I'll probably call him Nugget til he's old enough to ask me to stop, though. Dom did have a few suggestions but for me, there was only one option. I knew it as soon as Dr. Morantine told me we were having a boy. When I said as much to Dom, he had no objections, in fact he loved the idea. I was prepared to fight over it, but I didn't have to. Have I mentioned lately how much I love him?

All that was left before we started getting things engraved or monogrammed with Nugget's name, was for me to have a very important conversation with my brother and his wife. I needed Wyatt and Amy's blessing.

{{Saturday, December 25

Merry Christmas!

Dom and I decided that since we are the newlyweds and the expectant parents, that we should host Christmas dinner at our house. Thanksgiving had been a bust since SCW ran Breakdown on that day, Dom and I spent it just the two of us. But Christmas? We invited the whole family, and everyone agreed to come. Wyatt, Amy, Jaina, Loki, Amy's mom Ms. Liz, Dom's mom Ms. Brenda, and Scott. I also invited Nadine and Kayla, as they were important to what I wanted to say too. I did extend the invitation to Simon, but he was in California spending Christmas with his daughter Angelina. Apparently her mom, Trinity Street, and Lucas Knight were having some family trouble and having Simon around kept things more calm for Angel.

Still, we had a houseful, and I was happy to have everyone together. Dom and I shared cooking duties, ham is apparently really easy, I just needed him to move it in and out of the oven for me. Dom also made a roast, and we had steamed asparagus, cauliflower au gratin, mashed potatoes (with gravy from the roast), and a very large tossed salad. Jaina insisted on making cookies, and Amy brought pecan pie. Everyone also brought their gifts to exchange after dinner. For a few hours, the area under our Christmas tree would be a small mountain of boxes and gift bags. But, they would wait til after dinner to be opened.

With everything ready, everyone sat around our large dinner table in the formal dining room. Amy and Jaina had set the table, while Dom and Loki brought the dinner dishes out. I didn't feel the need to lead any sort of grace or prayer, with the abundance of different beliefs present, so I decided to keep it simple.

“Thank you all for being here for Christmas. Most of you know it's my favorite holiday, and its even more special this year. You all make me very happy.” I smile. “Let's eat!” I get smiles in return as everyone begins to help themselves. The only talk for a few minutes was things like 'pass the gravy please' and 'can you hand me a napkin?' That kind of thing. Once everyone had their plates full and began to eat, the actual conversation started up again, with Amy's curiosity.

“Scott, I thought you usually spend the holidays with your family?”

“I usually do.... but mom and dad decided to take a trip for Christmas this year. They saved up all year for it, my gift to them was a sizable donation to their trip fund. So, they are in Miami, my brothers are keeping things simple with their own families, so I stayed here.”

“Oh, that sounds nice. They work so hard, they deserve it.”

“That's what I said. My brothers were a little upset... more than a little really.” Scott stuffed a roll into his mouth.

“That's the real reason you stayed here, to avoid them.” I give Scott a smirk. He doesn't fool me.

“You're damn right it is.”

Everyone laughs.

“Well, we're happy to have you, bro. You're practically family anyway, you typically spend more time with my wife than I do.” Dom chuckles.

“Aww, that's very sweet, thank you.” Scott seems genuinely touched by being called family.

“Everyone here is family, one way or another.” I grin at Nadine. If my brother Heath hadn't died, she would have been my sister-in-law.

“Why'd you look at me as you said that?” Nadine gives me a grin, but with skeptical eyes.

“I just wanted to make sure you knew you are always included when I talk about my family. It's important you know that, especially today.”

Nadine glances at Kayla, her daughter by Heath and my niece, and smiles. Kayla is a little younger than Loki.

“I do know that, you and Amy have always made me feel that way. I have to ask though... why especially today?”

“It's Christmas and we're having a family dinner.” Wyatt holds his hands up as if explaining something very simple.

“Well, that. But there's something else.”

“We already know you're pregnant, you can't surprise us with anything else.” Wyatt grins.

Loki sits up straight, excited. “Sure she can! What if it's twins?”

“Loki! I think she would have told us that by now.”

“It's not twins, you goof. I saw the ultrasound.” Jaina laughs. In fact, she had come to the doctor with us when me and Dom found out the gender.

Loki shrugs. “That was my guess. I'm done.”

I giggle. “Good guess... but no, I am only carrying one little boy. He is what we want to talk to you all about though.” Several faces immediately look concerned. “He's fine, no one worry.” Those faces relax. “It's about his name.”

“Oh, you've picked one?”

Dom and I glance at each other, grin, then I face the table again. “We did. But this isn't just a name announcement. I actually want to ask you, Wyatt, Amy, and Nadine... for your blessing on it.”

Amy laughs a little. “Why would you need our blessing for your son's name? You don't need permission.”

“I feel like I do. We don't want to come across as disrespectful or.... entitled to it, or anything like that.”

Wyatt squinst in confusion. “I'm not sure I follow, Bree. Why would-”

“I want to name him after Heath.”

“Oh...” Amy set her glass down slow. I see Nadine press the back of her fingers to her mouth. Jaina just looks around, I had already told her my idea. Wyatt? Just looks at me. I can't read him.

“You want to do what?”

“It's just he can't be here, and I want my son to know all about him, and I figured what better way to make sure he's always with us? If you hate it, I won't do it, but-”

“Bree.” I blink away tears as Wyatt speaks softly. “Now that you've put the idea into the air... I'd be more insulted if you didn't.

I breathe out, relieved. “Really? You like it?” Wyatt just nods, grinning. I was most concerned about his reaction. Heath and Wyatt weren't on speaking terms when Heath died, I hoped that doing this wouldn't upset him. “I know how things were when.... and I didn't want to upset you by-”

“I'm not upset. I love it.”

I give him a smile, as I feel Dom grab my hand under the table. “Amy? You were his best friend. What-”

“It's perfect. He loved you so much, if anyone should honor him that way, it should be you.”

I could see her eyes glistening, and it made me lose control over my own tears. One or two leak out, I don't bother to wipe it.

“Nadine? Kayla?”

“I see why you were adamant about including us.” Nadine nudges Kayla. “Kay?”

“You want to call my cousin after my dad?” I nod. Kayla looks at her mom. Nadine smiles with a small nod. Kayla smiles back as she turns back to me. “Well, my middle name is Heather... I guess I can share.”

Everyone laughs a bit. “You're all really okay with it?”

“Blessing given.”


“It's very thoughtful and sweet. If you're asking for my approval too, you have it.”

I had to wipe my face now, it was too much. I reach for a napkin but Dom hands me one. “Thank you. I don't know why I thought any of you would be against it. I just... when we found out it's a boy, I couldn't imagine naming him anything else. I was worried you might think it was selfish or something...”

Amy, who is sitting to my left, swats my shoulder. “I'm going to blame that on pregnancy brain, because I know you know better.”

I laugh. “I just had to be sure. I'm so glad you all agree.”

I look around the table, and see Ms. Liz smiling warmly. Next to her, Ms. Brenda is dabbing her eyes.

“Mom?” Dom seems confused, she obviously never knew my brother.

“It's just so beautiful. I can tell how important the man was to the family and... I feel privileged to be witness to this conversation.”

I give her a big smile across the table.

Wyatt clears his throat a bit, and I look. “I do have a question.”


“Are you planning on using his whole name, or just Heath?”

“Oh, just Heath. I thought using his middle too would be a little weird. I was thinking Robert for the middle. After Daddy.”

Wyatt grins. “Heath Robert? I like it.”

“It sounds strong.”

“Okay. I'll be the one to ask.” Scott leans over, he's sitting directly across from me, Dom to my right. “Are you really okay with this, Dom? Your son's first and middle name being derived from Bree's family?”

“Absolutely. He gets my surname, I'm content with that.”

Scott tilts his head a bit. “You know, I was actually wondering about that too, since Bree kept her name. No hyphen?”

“God no. Can you imagine? Lancaster-Teller? Way too long, I wouldn't do that to my child. I didn't want to change my name, that has nothing to do with Nugget. Dom is his father, he gets his name. It's simple.”

Scott sits back, satisfied. “That makes perfect sense.”

“Names are important. You really don't want to give him the wrong one and then have to change it.” Loki speaks up, but a little quiet. Jaina grins at him. Both she and Loki had their names changed as young children – Jaina from Amy's first husband's to her fathers', and Loki from his biological father's to Wyatt's after Wyatt adopted him. Everyone turns to Loki. “What I mean is... it sounds like your idea is the right one, Aunt Bree. The two last name thing sounds super awkward.”

I smile. “That's what we thought. I'm glad you like it, too.”

“He'll grow up to love it, I know it. All of us are going to make sure he knows where it comes from.” Jaina smiles, and her excitement just radiates from it.

I look around and smile at everyone. “I know you will. Thank you all, you have no idea what it means to me.”

“I think maybe we do.” Wyatt grins.

“Maybe. Its just all I wanted for Christmas, the blessing to do this.”

“Really? Should I return your gift then?” I turn to Dom, he's smirking at me.

“Don't you dare!”

Dom laughs. “I didn't mean it!” I giggle, I knew better. Dom turns to the table. “Can you guys do us a favor though?” Several nods go around. “Keep the name between us here, we don't want to announce it until he's born.”

“Absolutely.” Amy nods.

“My lips are sealed.” Jaina mimes zipping her mouth.

“Can't blame you, really. The media and public hasn't always been nice to you.” Wyatt seemed reluctant to point that out, but he isn't wrong.

“They have been pretty respectful these last few months, but we want to keep it quiet just the same. Once he's here, it'll be impossible, so.... you know.”

“Totally get it. Don't worry at all.”

Everyone else around the tabe nods. Nugget's name would be safe until he makes his grand debut.

The conversation moves on as we finish Christmas dinner. Later, we gathered in the formal living room where our massive Christmas tree is, and exchange gifts. A few of mine were really for Nugget, things I could use when he arrives. Some were addressed to “Nugget” or “Baby Teller.” Dom though gave me something for me. A new bottle of my favorite perfume. That might sound like not much, but it makes me feel confident when sometimes I don't. It was very thoughtful and I love it. Not nearly as much though as I loved spending Christmas with the most important people in the world to me, and having their blessing to name my son after my brother.

Heath Robert Teller... I can't wait to meet you.