
Breakdown 4-8-21


Chris Cannon.... I can't say I was really surprised when I saw my name across the card from yours. I saw this coming even before your little rant about me with that reporter Jessica. With everything cluttering up your mind these days, I have to wonder if you're really focused enough to realize what you're getting yourself into stepping up to me. I do hope you can stay on track long enough to come up with something original to say to me and not retread the same ground that so many others have gone down trying to get under my skin. It hasn't worked since day one and it won't work now, so do yourself a favor and save your breath if all you're going to do is call me a whore and claim I don't take this business seriously. Then again Chris, just based on how long you've been doing this, I'm gonna guess you're more clever than that parrot Owen Cruze.

I mean, come on... I don't care about wrestling because I post pictures on Twitter? First of all, Owen better look at his little crippled friend if he wants to throw out that accusation because Pey-Pey put up just as many nearly nude pics as I have, yet no one's ever accused her of not caring about wrestling. Is it because she put up softcore porn but otherwise acted pure as the driven snow? In that case, she's a hypocrite and so is everyone who ever gave me shit over being comfortable enough with myself to put myself out there like that while also kissing her ass and calling her the future of this business. Right now she's just the future of physical therapy.

The truth is that you just don't know how to deal with a woman who is comfortable in her own skin, embraces her sexuality, and doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about it. So spare me the sanctimonious bullshit, okay? No one gets to decide what I do or don't care about just because I have an ass 90% of the women watching this show wishes they had, and I like to show it off. If I didn't care about wrestling, I wouldn't still be here, would I? I wouldn't need SCW to show off my ass, I could just live on Twitter, start an Only Fans, right? I mean, Owen, you're the fucker who admitted you didn't really care about the match! I'm apparently beneath you, you want more, you want better. I hope you get something out of the notch on your belt that beating me gave you, but let me clear up a few things. First of all, it doesn't mean you were right, and it doesn't make you better than me. It simply means you were just a little faster on that night. I'll tell you what else it gave you besides that notch though – an attitude and a reputation you can't put back in the box. I'm not gonna break that down for you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just smart enough to know what that means.

What's really going on here is that I do care about wrestling, I just care about it in a different way than you do. And you hate that. That's your problem, not mine. We can't all be morality police, I think you're finally starting to realize that.

But, I've ranted enough about Peyton Protector Number One. This week? I'm taking on Protector Number Two. I guess it wasn't good enough that Owen got one over on me, now Chris Cannon decided to come get him some, too.

Chris, as soon as Minerva and I put our plan into action, I knew that the nice and somewhat flirty tweets you used to send me would end. It was all in good fun after your divorce, right? Except... now you got your ex pregnant? Damn, and people call the way I used to get around weird. But, whatever, none of my business really. Nah, my business is the fact that you're coming after me as if I'm the one that broke into your house, I'm the one that beat Princess' knee into pieces and broke her face. Owen did the same thing, even if he won't admit it. But you're both forgetting another factor here, and her name is Minerva.

I'm not sure what's going on here, did you think because she gave me a shout out in the action video that I was the mastermind behind the Downfall of Peyton Rice? I'm sure Minnie feels slighted at the lack of attention to her handiwork. And it was great work, let's not overlook that. Or, is it that you think I'm just a warm up, an appetizer, to be picked at to satiate you just enough until you get to the main course, when you do gather up the balls to challenge the woman who did the damage?

I get it, Chris, You're pissed, and you want justice. What I don't think anyone realizes though is that I'm pissed too! That's what all of this is about. Minerva and I didn't plan this hit on Peyton to 'gain the spotlight'... listen doll, I've had the spotlight almost ever since I stepped foot into SCW, one way or another. Nah, this is about the fact that your pretty little... friend? Protege? Side piece, I don't even know what she is to you.... but she disrespected me by walking away from a fight she started. I feel like I've said that more than once, but apparently no one is fucking listening. I can't speak for Minerva's motivations, but mine?

I am sick and tired of being disrespected around here.

I know I haven't been exactly burning the place down lately. Why do you think I'm pissed off?! I know I am better than what my record shows. You can relate, can't you, Chris? You toiled here on and off for years before you even got a sniff of a shot of the World Championship. Then finally, at long last, you were thrown into a clusterfuck of epic proportions. The Gauntlet match, where the World Champion going in was fucked out of the title due to injury, and you were the lucky sonofabitch who walked out with it. Now, I won't say it was all luck, you put down quite a few challengers after claiming the title, but had that random draw gone any other way? Things could have ended very differently, and that's what I mean by luck.

I know why you're angry. After all the years it took you to reach the top, to finally be able to call yourself an SCW World Champion.... it was all taken away from you in your first defense. I'll go ahead and give you that that match was also a strange clusterfuck, World and Tag Titles both on the line... and ended with fuckery, people who had no business being out there causing you to get dropped. Circumstances out of your control, right? No matter how hard you worked, how much you trained, how much you cared about remaining champion, how badly you wanted it...

…. someone else wanted something else more. And no matter what you did, it wasn't going to be enough, because they got the drop on you.

Believe me, I understand that anger. I've been dealing with that same feeling of defeat, of not being good enough, for months. And I've had enough of it.


I won't be like you and wait years and years to assert myself, to push my way to the position around here that I want. I am not complacent, I am not the one to sit around and wait to be handed chances, gifted opportunities. I've been fucked around enough, came close but not good enough one too many times and I'm disgusted with it. With the disrespect, the fuckery, and with myself. I can't fix everything that's wrong around here, but I can control my own path. And you, Chris? You're standing in the middle of my path, trying to block me, stop me, get some kind of revenge over something I helped set into motion as a response to being disrespected.... but you're not going to do any of that. You won't move aside easily, I know that. I know what you're capable of if you decide to unleash it. But you're about to find out what I'm capable of. I think everyone here in SCW has forgotten, and you're going to be the poor motherfucker I make an example of, this is where I turn everything around and remind the world who the fuck I am!

We're in a similar position going into Breakdown. We're both coming off losses at Retribution, we're both looking to blow off some steam and get our feet back under us. Thing is though.... you've had recent success, you've been on the top. Me? I've been on my back for too fucking long. You're staring around the locker room with heat vision activated... you want me, you want Asher Hayes, I have no doubt that you want Holly Adams, too. But even Superman can only be pulled into so many different directions before something gives.

I have one focus right now.

Make everyone forget about my failures by reminding them who I am and what the fuck I can do. And I can't think of a better way to do that than by beating the most recent former World Champion. Because let's face it, in this business? A lot of the time no one gives a fuck about everything you've ever done... they only care about what you've done lately. I am going to rectify the last few months worth of bullshit losses with one victory. You're not going to take out your anger on me, Chris. You won't use me as an appetizer on your way to a main course with Minerva. Instead, I am going to eat you alive. You're just one more on a long list of people who don't understand me. But you will... after I make you see stars, you will.

After I walk out of Breakdown in victory, I will be in a better position than I have been the entire time I've been in this company. Took out the bitch who didn't think I was worth her time, and put away her Protector Number Two, who's gunning for a World Championship rematch. I wonder.... where will that place me in the conversation?

Do I care enough about wrestling for you now, motherfuckers?