
Breakdown 6-26-21


It's about fucking time.

It had been so long since I actually won anything that I'd almost forgotten what it felt like. I guess there's nothing like a little grand larceny and assault to get everything firing properly, right? I mean, Tommy and I had a ridiculously fun week driving the Escalade, then we got to Breakdown and just as I expected, we were pretty much immediately jumped in the parking lot. Later, another brawl broke out... and in the chaos I managed to put a pretty good dent into David Helms' leg. As I was getting ready for my match – which just meant straightening my hair out and doing some stretches since I didn't have time to change – Tommy and I heard that David had been taken away in an ambulance. We didn't have time to really process that as I had to go out to the ring and kick Pat Evans' ass... which I did. Not that he didn't put up a good fight, it was almost like he cared about winning rather than just getting paid. But I dropped his ass with my knee and that was it.

Tommy and I had one fuck of a celebration in our locker room after the match. Not only the fact that I'd won, but the way David Helms was carted off. I might not have done it all by myself, Raab helped a bit by shoving whatshisname into the door and hit David in the first place... but he wasn't screaming in agony until I threw the door myself. I probably hit it harder. Good. Motherfucker should have never come back after that mystery injury last year. Hopefully I rectified that.

It had been a long time since Tommy and I had a good show, and we made sure to keep that going after we got back to our hotel. Yes, a real hotel, since Escalade Fun Time was over.

June 5
Santa Barbara
Ante Up

It was a Saturday, so there weren't any regular classes going on at Ante Up. That meant the gym was practically empty in the afternoon, as most of the students were likely getting ready for weekend fun – dinner out, drinks, clubbing, all that shit. Me and Tommy though? We were working. Tommy was back and forth from his office upstairs and downstairs getting some reps in on various machines. He had to be careful though, if he was seen doing certain things, questions we didn't want to answer might be asked. Me? I was sparring with Ashley. I hadn't really worked with him myself much in the last few months, he'd mainly been just going to his own regular training classes, helping out at the Starmaker once or twice a week, and spending time with my cousin Sydney. It had been a few months... half the year really, since they'd become friends, and more than that soon after. Both Tommy and I were glad to see it. It meant I was off the hook trying to keep the guy away from Tommy's daughter Charlotte, which would have been a lot harder to do after I decided I didn't want to play around anymore, I only wanted to be with Tommy. If you got me drunk and pushed the issue, I'd have probably admitted that a big part of my reasoning for that was I just didn't want to mess around with Ashley anymore, and it was a good excuse to put a stop to it. Not that I didn't like him, or enjoy the two times we'd fucked.... but he'd been getting a little attached, and it unnerved me. The whole dynamic was fucked. Tommy asked me to fuck him to turn his head away from Charlotte. The two nights were weeks apart, and after the second time (which was after I flipped the fuck out when I found out Gail McCarthy was my birth mother), Ashley acted like he expected more. It was never supposed to be an ongoing thing, but it worked too well. But, Sydney clearly liked him so I nudged him towards her, and they hit it off. Thank fuck.

But lately, Ashley had been coming in for extra training beyond his classes again. Neither me or Tommy questioned it, just rolled with it. Ashley had texted me earlier in the day asking if we could spar this afternoon. I didn't have any plans until evening, Tommy and I were working at the Starmaker. Saturday nights are big business. So I told him sure.

We went back and forth about an hour, taking short breaks between bouts. Ashley didn't seem like himself, he was quieter than usual, no banter, not biting on any of my teasing. Realizing his bad mood, I gave up trying to joke around and stuck to business. It had been a few weeks since I'd worked with him, but it seemed like he was even hitting harder, more aggressive. After he legit knocked me on my ass with a hook kick, I called a break.

“Okay, take ten. What the fuck, dude?”

“Sorry...” Ashley dropped down and slid out of the ring.

“Nah, that's not gonna cut it. You've been in a mood since you got here, and I was gonna let it go since hey, it happens to everyone. But now it's getting out of hand.”

He just eyed me as he drank from his water bottle. I was still in the ring, looking down at him with my arms crossed, waiting for an answer. “Why don't ya ask yer cousin?”

“What? What did Sydney do?”

Ashley sighed, and leaned on the apron, his arms folded, looking up at me. “She's decided that she and I would be better off as friends.”

“Oh.... oh shit.” Ashley nodded. I stepped through the ropes and sat on the apron near where he was standing. “When did that happen?”

“Week ago, round about. When you an' Tommy were road trippin' in that stolen- er, borrowed car.”

Right... when we told everyone we were 'on vacation' but Ashley actually watches Breakdown so he knew better. More importantly, we hadn't answered the phone for anyone. It just then clicked in my head that both he and Sydney had called me a few times.
“Oh. Shit, I'm sorry. She didn't say anything to me...” Then again I hadn't answered for her. “Do you want me to talk to her?”

“Nah, don't waste yer time, she's not wrong.” I gave him a raised brow look. “Look, she's a great girl, don't get me wrong. But there's not much of a... spark, or such. Ah thought maybe if we kept on it'd happen, but nothing.” He downed some more water.

“Okay... if you agree, then why the bad mood?” While he considered his answer, staring at the water bottle in his hand, I had a terrible thought. What if this development made him think about the person he was talking to before Sydney... Charlotte? I had to tell Tommy about this ASAFP.

“Mad at meself more than anything. I let things drag out for convenience sake rather than pulling the plug meself.”

Okay, that amused me. “So wait, you've just been carrying on for physical reasons?”

Ashley looked back down at his water bottle, he almost seemed embarrassed. “When ya say it like that, Ah kinda sound like a dick, even though she were probably doing the same thing.”

“You think?”

“Til last week anyhow, when she came out with this out of the blue. Ah suspect she's met someone.” He finished the water bottle, then crushed it in his hand.

“That I can find out. And hey, you're not a dick, okay? You just said you think she was doing the same thing. You had an arrangement that benefited you both, until it didn't. It doesn't really sound like anyone did anything wrong.”

“You think so?” Ashley then scoffed and shook his head. “Wait, o'course you do. Sure it all sounds normal to you, the whole casual thing. Yer not exactly the conventional relationship type, are ya?”

I shrugged. “You know who you're talking to, doll. If you're looking for someone to tell you off for continuing to fuck a woman you don't have romantic feelings for just for the fucking, you are definitely talking to the wrong person.”

“But she's yer cousin.”

“So? She's also a grown woman. She can't be that upset about it, she hasn't blown my phone up, and you know? I talked to her yesterday and she didn't even mention it.”

Ashley scoffed again. “Sounds like more evidence she met someone.”

“Maybe she did. I'll ask her.”

“If that's what happened, good for her. She coulda just told me that though, y'know? At the least I thought we were friends.”

“You are friends. You've been hanging out now for what? Six months? More than that.”

Ashley turned and leaned against the apron, crossing his arms. “Yeah, sommat like that. Didn't really keep track.”

“Okay, then it's not that important to you either, cause if it was? You'd know exactly how long it was.”

“Yeah, guess so.”

“Okay. So stop beating yourself up over it. Again, it doesn't sound like anyone did anything wrong. The arrangement just didn't work for her anymore. If you think you should have called it off first, that's telling, too.”

Ashley nodded, and pushed off the apron, turning to face me. “Yeah... yeah, yer right. Just kinda feels like I strung her along and she had enough, you know?”

“I doubt that. You stress too much, Ash. No wonder you were literally kicking my ass.”

That made him laugh. “Yeah, guess I had some frustration to sort out.”

That made me think of the whole 'relaxation' ruse I used to seduce him last year, but before my mind could go down that track for more than a second, I saw Tommy walking by between rings, headed for the stairs towards his office. I knew I needed to talk to him ASAFP.

“Hey, let's just call it a day, okay? You could probably use a cool down, and I see Tommy headed towards his office, I need to get with him about something a student asked me this morning.”

“Yeah, okay. A shower actually sounds good. You at the Starmaker tonight?”

“Yeah, we both are.”

“Great, see ya there.”

I gave him a nod and a smile as I hopped off the apron, and followed Tommy, who had just got to the top of the stairs. I looked over my shoulder and saw Ashley pulling his shirt off as he headed towards the locker rooms. Good.

I got upstairs to Tommy's office. He had just sat at his desk and opened his laptop when I walked in.

“Hey babe. You two done for the day?”

“Yeah, I'd say so. Saw you getting some reps in, how's everything feel?”

“Great. Strength is fine. Planning on getting in some cardio later...” He smirked.

“I bet you are. Not sure if you'll be in the mood though... we may have a problem.”

Tommy sat up in his chair and looked up at me. “What kind of problem?”

“Ashley just told me that Sydney called things off.”


“That's what I said. Apparently neither of them really had feelings or whatever, it was just an FWB deal.”

“Not that I don't feel for him, but how is this our problem?”

“Well, I was thinking.... what if he decides to go looking for that spark they didn't have, in the last place he thought he saw one?”

Tommy gave me a look for a second, then I saw the moment it clicked, his eyes got a little wider.

“You mean Charlotte.”

“Yeah.” I sat on the desk in front of him. “Like I said... a problem.”

“I don't know babe, I think maybe that's a reach. The whole point of what we did-”

“You mean what you asked me to do.”

“Yeah... that. The whole point, was to make it far too awkward for him to think about Char like that, after he'd been with you. Who wants to rail a man's daughter and girlfriend?”

“It was a good plan, but I'm not sure the idea would really bother him as much now. I mean, he's been fucking my cousin for months. What's the difference?”

“Time? I don't think he and Char have really spoken much since he backed away from her. I also think she suspects I had something to do with it, but she's never flat out asked.”

“She knows you, she's probably sure you did or said something.”

“Yeah... you're probably right on that. She has to also know though that whatever I did, was for a good reason. The last time she hooked up with a wrestler turned into disaster.”

I was getting frustrated with the turn the conversation took, this was old ground and didn't matter. I stood up again, agitated.

“I know, you told me. Look, none of that even matters right now, okay? This whole thing with me and Ashley was your idea! Distract him, give him something else to focus on. I didn't even want to do it! But it seemed so important to you, so I did it. Twice! You-”

“Uh... Kandis...” Tommy suddenly seemed distracted, like he wanted to change the subject. But no. Fuck no.

“No, I'm not done, listen to me. I'll repeat it. Twice! And okay, I admit one of them was partially for me, after I found out about my mother, but that's not the point. The point-”


He was trying to brush me off and I wasn't having it. I ignored him. “The point.... is that everything you asked me to do, everything I did with him, could be all for nothing if he now turns his attention back to your daughter! I'm not gonna let you brush this off babe.” Tommy sighed, and lowered his head, almost in guilt. “What? Are you having regrets now about asking me to fuck him just to-”

“Just shut up.” Tommy then gestured behind me, which was the door. I just remembered I had left it open when I came in. I turned around.... and Ashley was standing there, looking at us both as if he didn't know us.


“So that's what all that really was, eh? Why you insisted he knew and it was all fine?” Ashley then turned his glare towards Tommy. “Why you told me yourself we didn't have a problem? All part of the plan, right?”

“Wait, it's not what it sounds like. I didn't just-”

“Oh really? Cause it sure fucking sounds like you were told to basically seduce me to make me back away from a great girl. Oh wait... that's exactly what happened. I heard you.” He glared at Tommy again. “You know mate, if you didn't want me seeing her, all you had to do was say so. But this? I... I don't know what to do with this.”

Ashley spun around and walked out. Tommy and I looked at each other a few seconds.

“I tried to stop you from talking.”

“How was I supposed to know he was behind me?!”

“We certainly have a problem now!”

“I'll fix this.” I started to walk out to follow Ashley.


“I don't know!” I didn't bother to stop or look back as I yelled my answer.

I was looking for Ashley. There were two staircases to the second level, and Tommy's office was roughly halfway between them. I looked one way, then the other, and saw him, nearly to the stairs. I ran to catch up, meeting him at the top. I grabbed his shoulder and he spun around to face me. He glared again. He had very right to be pissed.

“Can I at least explain?”

“What's there to explain, huh? You manipulated me into... well, you, to make me leave Charlotte alone. I mean, my mentor's girlfriend and daughter? No one would do that! Then that wasn't enough, ya pushed me towards Syd... sonofabitch!”

Ashley was even angrier than before. “What?”

“That were part of it too, wasn't it? She hung on long enough to make it look legit, then brushed me off. No wonder there wasn't anything there, she was playing a game just like you!”

“No. Look, you heard me and Tommy, I'm not gonna deny what we did. But Sydney had nothing to do with this. I just saw that she seemed to like you and leaned in to it. She doesn't know about us.”

Ashley laughed, dry. “Us? You say that like there was ever an actual us. There was just you doing Tommy's bidding. What are you then, his personal whore? He points and you spread?”

I glared right back and stepped up, getting as much into his face as I could, given he's taller than me. “Look. I get that you're pissed, and you have every right to be. I don't give a fuck what you say to or about me, but we both know that if Tommy heard you talking to me like that, you'd be shitting your own teeth for a week. So maybe tone it down just a tad, okay? He's still up here.”

Ashley looked back towards Tommy's office nervously. He knew I was right. He then took a step back away from me. “Fine, that were over the line, but can you blame me?”

“No. I don't. Obviously you weren't supposed to know.”

“Obviously.” He scoffed again, then shook his head, a strange angry grin on his face. “D'you know what the worst part is? You said you dint even want to do it.”


“Want to know what I thought happened? The whole 'relaxation' thing was a ruse just to get t'me, cause you wanted to, and after you'd been given the go. I know how you two work. But nah... that weren't it at all. Y'only came onto me cause he told you to. You must both think I'm a fucking idiot...” He rubbed his face, not even looking at me anymore.

“No, we don't. I don't. We-”

“Nah, it's okay. You can admit it. Yer right, I must be an right dumbfuck if I thought for one second that someone like you would take an interest in someone like me. Ashley turned to walk away, down the stairs. I stopped him, grabbing his arm.

“Wait. It's not like that.” He glared at me, one foot on the next step down. “I tried to tell you. Yeah, it started that way. Fuck, that disaster in the liquor room....” I shook my head. “I had no idea how to do it. But then I had the idea. You do stress too much. You were clearly nervous around me. I just had to relax you.”

“Why are you telling me this? You think I want to hear how you worked out how to fuck with me head?”

“I'm trying to tell you.... that by the time I'd worked out how to do it, I did want-”

He stepped down away from me, pushing me away. “No. Don't. Don't even try that. I can't believe a word you say to me anymore.”

Ashley sprinted down the stairs, and I watched. I didn't have anything else to stop him with. I kept watching as he snatched his bag from a chair near the ring where we were sparring, then stormed out the door.

I leaned on the rail, just staring at the door. I knew it was a crazy idea at the time, but I agreed to it, because Tommy asked me. There were very few things he could ask me to do that I would deny. I just stood there angry at myself, because the truth was... I did have interest. I hadn't lied to Ashley just then, I didn't want to at first. But the more I tried because Tommy asked me to, the more I wanted to get it done, and that turned into actually wanting it. I'd ignored it after the second fuck because that one had happened the day I found out about my mother. I told myself I only did it the second time because I was fucked up and I knew it would end up helping Tommy's cause more. After that I'd decided I didn't want to fuck around anymore, I just wanted Tommy. Yes, it was an excuse to quit fucking around with Ashley, but I had to admit to myself now, with Ashley now knowing what we did and rightfully pissed about it, that the reason wasn't because I didn't like the dynamic, or that I didn't like the experience. No, the truth was that I did... probably too much. And it freaked me out. And the fact that Ashley's anger made me feel like a piece of shit, freaked me out too. I wasn't supposed to care this much. No one was supposed to get hurt by any of this, least of all Ashley. He's just a nice guy who started to like the wrong girl. And now he's hurt, and it was my fault.

I had to find a way to fix this.

June 13
St. Louis

Ashley didn't come back to Ante Up the rest of the week, for anything. Missed all his classes. He wouldn't answer my or Tommy's calls, or reply to any texts. Neither of us blamed him. I figured he just needed time to process, calm down. Tommy though was pretty sure we lost him. It's very strange for me, but I had hope we could fix things. I didn't know how yet.... but there had to be a way. I had spoken to Sydney but I didn't mention Ashley. She would have asked how I knew, and then things would have just got weird. The good news is, she didn't mention him either. Which means he believed me that she wasn't in on it, and he hadn't told her about what we did. She would have yelled at me. And I would have deserved it.

Tommy and I had to focus on work though, Taking Hold of the Flame was happening, and we had plans with Minerva, Raab... and Drake. Min and Drake had plans for Chris Cannon. Meanwhile, I had an idea for the battle royal. Tommy had some pieces of pipe, and whichever of the three of us still entering got the last number, he was there to hand them over so we could clean house. That person turned out to be me. Luckily Drake and Raab were still in the ring when I entered, and tossed them their pipes. We took out Hudson, beat the fuck out of Xander – me and Tommy hadn't forgotten what he did to us last year. We laid shots on other people too, I can't remember who. I just remember swing and landing shots and having the time of my life, it was oddly arousing. Until Ace Marshall dumped me out anyway. Hey, at least I get to say I was tossed out by the winner, right? Not as if I gave a fuck about winning. I never do. We did what we wanted to do... cause chaos. Embarrass Pat Evans and Josh Hudson. Oh and we threw out Vihaan, too. The kid got his car back, he didn't need to be in the fucking ring.

After the show was over, I checked my phone. Minerva had texted me that she had things on her end under control. I told her we accomplished what we wanted too, and Drake and I would make sure Raab stayed in line.

Tommy and I got back to our room and he offered to give me a good rubdown, since I'd done the work and landed kinda hard on my back on the floor. I was laying in bed naked, face down. Tommy was sitting next to me, massaging up and down my back, ass, and thighs.

“Tell me babe... what was hotter? Last week when I made David have to be hauled off in an ambulance... or tonight when I dropped Hudson and beat down Xander?”

“Hmm. I'm not sure. I mean... Dave is Dave. But earlier was two for one.”

“Look at me, throwing you the hard questions.” I smirked at him over my shoulder.

“I do have an answer... but neither of those are it.”

“What is it then?”

“The hottest thing? Is this.” And with that he smacked my ass. Hard. I yelped, half in shock and half pleasure. He knows I like that.

“I see your game, you're rubbing me down so I'm not too sore to ride you all night.”

“I'm a simple guy. Help cause chaos and destruction to those who deserve it, and fuck my woman all night. All we're missing is the tequila.”

I looked over my shoulder again, another smirk. “I took care of that. Check the fridge.”

“Oh. I love you.”

“I know you do.”

We both laughed, and he continued my rub down. “In all seriousness, I have to admit that Raab was more useful and functional than I expected. He tossed Evans. He looked like a pro with that pipe.”

“Maybe Minerva's personal vendetta isn't so detrimental to her and Drake's plans after all.”

“Maybe. That's probably not for us to decide though. We're just along for their ride.”

“I wouldn't say that. I've been alongside Min for a lot of her plans, she values my input. I know Drake does too. I don't see that changing just because you're in now, or because of Raab proving useful.”

“You might be right. You know them both better than I do. Hell, you've known Drake longer than me.”

It was weird to hear Tommy talk about Drake without even a hint of animosity. Not that I didn't believe him when we all met a few weeks ago, but it was odd to hear, even it I was glad for it.

“Yeah, I have. That's what I'm telling you, this isn't gonna be like some.... weird hierarchy. We'll be equals. Well.... maybe not Raab.”

Tommy laughed. “I hope not. Some people just belong under us.”

I turned over to my back, Tommy's hands stayed on me and rested on my abs as I laid back. “I know I belong under you.” I smirked.

“Hey... I belong under you on occasion.”

“You do.... but not right now. Between beating down everyone out there, and your hands all over me right here... I need to be under you right now.”

Tommy smirked back as he pulled his shirt off. “Now who's giving orders?”

“You're taking it.”

“Never one to pass up a good opportunity.” He threw his shirt aside then stood up to remove his jeans. “Since when does getting violent in the ring get you hot?”

“Always. I've just been letting loose more lately, so it's hotter.”

“Can't wait to get back in there and double the effect.” Tommy threw his jeans and boxers aside too, then climbed over me. I moved my legs to give him room. “Any further orders?”

I reached up and grabbed his face with both hands. “Get in.”

The man is good at taking orders.

Later, sometime early in the morning, I got up to use the bathroom and checked my phone. I had a text from the night before that I missed, it had come in while Tommy and I were in the middle of sex. I just stared at it, unsure if it was a good thing or a bad thing, as it was from Ashley....

[When you're home, can we talk?]

This was either the final fuck off... or my chance to fix the mess we created.


I told y'all I wasn't coming to the Flame to win. I was coming to fuck people up. Me, Drake, and Konrad?

Fucked. Things. Up.

Gotta give a shout out to my man Tommy though for handing off the weapons of our destruction to me as I made my way to the ring. Just proving that he doesn't need to be in the ring to make an impact. As for every other result from almost two weeks ago? They don't matter.

New Tag Champions. New World Champion. Number one contender crowned.

None of that shit matters to me. What matters to me is... later tonight I'm getting in the ring with one of the former tag champions, and I'm gonna throw everything I have at him to take the other piece of gold he has, the TV Championship. And this couldn't be more perfect if I had booked it myself. Bison Jones is already weak. He got a pipe shot for his trouble for coming after me in the battle royal. Sure, it's been two weeks, but have you ever taken a steel pipe to the ribs? Ask Peyton Rice about steel pipes. Ask Josh Hudson. Hell, ask Bree Lancaster, I gave her pandering ass a good shot too, hope I didn't reinjure anything... anyway, point is. Everyone who took shots from those pipes has got to be still hurting, including Bison. I don't give a shit how big he is, he's just muscle and bone like the rest of us.

On top of that, the man is coming off losing Tag Titles. I'm coming off kicking the ass of the man who injured Tommy, and getting everything I wanted done in the battle royal. You tell me who has momentum on their side, right?

But you know, I have questions. Let me break this down for you. A few weeks ago, Mr. D called in these so-called shooters. Josh Hudson and Pat Evans. It seemed like their primary goal was to take out Tommy and me. Mr. D didn't like how we were doing things. My friendship with Minerva. The cancellation of Peyton Rice. Causing chaos everywhere, because we were tired of being overlooked! So, here come Hudson and Evans. Evans managed to sideline Tommy for a while, but he paid for it. Hudson took some hits too, and after that head shot I gave him? Medical better be testing him for CTE, I'm just saying.

So, to recap. Between me, Tommy, and Minerva in the last few months, we've taken Peyton Rice out of action, made Chris Cannon a paranoid shell of himself, stole- uh... borrowed the car of a man who thinks he's a wrestler, put David Helms on ice... I'm pretty proud of that one, actually. And to top it off, Minerva had her way with Cannon, we brought in Drake Hemingway for extra power, and we put a beating on everyone who was in the ring with us two weeks ago. And what do I get in return?

A fucking title match.

Mr. D did everything he could think of to try to punish us for our behavior and after we behaved even worse in response? I'm rewarded with a shot at the TV Championship? I don't get it, guys. Make it make sense. Maybe Giovanni Aries has been right all this time and the old man is losing his fucking mind. There can't be any other explanation for why he's suddenly handing me an opportunity after spending weeks trying to take me down.

But you know what? I'm not a complete idiot. I'm gonna take it, take advantage of the senility of the old man. I'm gonna go to that ring, kick Big Bad Bison Jones in the ribs and back where I know my pipe shots landed, make him see stars, knock him flat on his back and take the gold that I should have held in this company a long fucking time ago! It's almost a shame that I've been given this chance by the whim of a man losing his mind rather than because I actually deserve it... because let me tell you, I fucking deserve it!

But it's fine. It's okay. Because after I take that title and leave the Golden Boys with no more gold to their names... Mr. D is gonna be watching from home – since I doubt he will be at Breakdown after what happened to him – he'll be watching, and he will regret the very second he decided to throw me a bone.

Every second of every minute of every Breakdown while I hold that championship, Mr. D will regret. But there won't be a fucking thing he can do about it, because he set this in motion. He's the one who sent the shooters after us. That makes Mr. D, not Pat Evans, responsible for Tommy's injury. That makes Mr. D, not me, responsible for Josh Hudson's concussion. That makes Mr. D, not me, responsible for David Helms second retirement. That makes Mr. D, not Minerva, responsible for what happened to Chris Cannon. Oh yeah, I know all about that. But I'm not the bitch to tell you.

What you all really need to be aware of though, is that Mr. D, not me, will be responsible for what I have to do to Bison to take that title away from him. And as you've all seen... I have no problems with using whatever force is necessary to get what I want. Chains, car doors, steel pipes... my own hands, feet, and knees. Doesn't matter. Maybe Mr. D threw me this bone hoping Bison would make me choke on it. Nah doll... I'm gonna chew it up and spit the pieces into your face when I become TV Champion, and make you regret the decision to fuck around with me!

You'll find out. Bet.